Sunday, January 24, 2010

It all stared with a table

I had started to lay out the track before I started to use the foam board so I had to redo all the lay out of the curves. I had made measurements for the radius points and transfered them to the 2" foam board. I then used felt markers to mark out the curves. There are 18" and 22" radius curves and two of the curves are a combination of both.

I first put down the lower level roadbed and track and made sure it was good and smooth before adding the grades to the upper level. Both inclines are at about 2.5% and are 4.5" above the lower track. At this point I was planning on using plaster cloth for the scenery and had put some down on the outside incline.

With the upper level subroadbed ruffed in it's ready for roadbed and track. Most of the track is Atlas sectional track and some flex track on most of the curves. I have been given several boxes of model railroad buildings, track, and rolling stock from Monte McKeon a friend who had built a model railroad with his grandfather when he was a boy. Most all of his railroad was in boxes and so I am using some of this track as well. I am using cork roadbed and it's all glued down with Liquid Nails for Projects.

This is a double dog bone laid over it's self so there is one loop on the lower level and one on the upper level.

Planning on having tunnels as well as bridges.

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