Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bridge and Turnouts

Track is almost all installed just need to finish laying the section for the lower track where the transfer bins will be.

Although the VT&S never did get over to the red rocks of Sedona I have taken some artistic liberty and have a section that represents this area.  In reality the red rocks were in the distance some sixteen to twenty miles from the VT&S, I have just shortened that distance.

Even though the prototype VT&S didn't have any tunnels I wanted to have one.  I have been using sculpt a mold and resin rock castings to make this mountain.  Having fun using left over paint to give it a base cote.

This will be the lower track of the transfer bins at Hopewell.  I am having to search for plans of these bins and it's been hard to find any.  My limited collection of books only shows two views of the transfer bins and unfortunately they are hard to use for building a scale model of the bins.  But hopefully I will be able to get them built one day.

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