Sunday, March 25, 2012

Puzzling until my puzzler is sore.

After giving it some thought over just how to model the Hopewell portion of VT&S I have decided to just do a couple of switchbacks and this will allow for trains to move from one point to the next without having to have a bridge or duck under in the door way.
 This will be the first switchback I will install a Fast Tracks #6 turnout that will be mounted on 1/8" masonite. There is Woodland Scenics Foam roadbed glued to the foam board.

I am working on using old geodesic foam scenery peaces as part of the scenery as well as painting the backdrop so it will look as mountains in the distance.

I am not sure if I will use this as it is now, it's not coming together as I want.  I have just used foam board as a support and glued the geodesic foam to it. Having to get this corner done before the roadbed and track is installed.

Once I get the scenery completed in this corner I will get the sub-roadbed installed for the track that will lead to the transfer beens at Hopewell.

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