Friday, December 24, 2010

Out with the new and in with the old

Ever have one of those moments when you just realize that no matter what, things are not going to work the way you had hoped? Well, after getting this little railroad to the point of operating some trains it was obvious that my big spiral helix was not going to work. It was just to big for the room to allow for comfortable fit of people to operate trains. So I have removed the new helix base and installed the old one that I had originally installed. This has opened up the room very much and has made for a comfortable space to have operators as well as access to tracks and sidings to allow for operation.

This is the view of the original bench top that was going to have a helix up to the second level. Now it will be a single level with industry and a small town.
Access is now available to the three bridges area for operations. This was very difficult with the oversized benchwork for the spiral helix as access was virtually non existent.
Now with a nice wide isle two people can pass each other very easily. Now you may ask with no helix up to the second level, Just how will trains get up to the second level? Well thats easy, by way of the spiral helix that was removed. Just where will this spiral helix be located? Well thats for another post some day in the future but for now we'll just say it involves a hoisting system and a planed 6x 12 foot section of benchwork that will be out side of this railroad room. But that is some time down the road perhaps in 2012 this next year is going to just be getting this room finished and operating fully.

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