Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hand made turnouts take 2

After my first attempt to assemble turnouts I decided to give PC board ties a try. I went to Fry's electronics and bought two PC boards and cut my own ties and assembled my first turnout using this method.

This is the first one I have made with PC ties. The frog is a little to far forward but over all it's working ok. I stll need to make some adjustments like soldering the rails to the PC ties first since my PC board is just a tad bit thinner than the wood ties. I think I could have had a better fit had I done all the soldering first.

This is looking west of what will be the main yard on the lower level. The track in the background is ready for ballast.

This is my home made cutting table for cutting out the PC board ties. I just used some old drawer slides for the table and mounted my Dremel tool and used a cutoff blade to cut each tie at 1/10th of an inch wide then cut them to length with a wire cutters.

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